Google The Game Changer !

 In this section we will learn about different Google Product and the easiest way to use all of them. Don’t Just Google , But there are so Many Google Products that are Game Changer . Have a Review !


Google Domain –  Buy a Google Domain and set up a Website . You can see read more details here How To Buy Google Domain


Google Ads / Ad Word Express ( Previously Google Ad Words ) –

Ok Before i give you an overview of Google Ads let visit the entire Process , How we will reach till the process where in we can use Google Ad Words . Below are the steps   

  1. You got an idea and you think you have a great product to offer to the market that can bring a Difference in People’s life .​You Realized in current Digital world not only Offline , You also need to have your Online Presence so that you can reach up to maximum number of people . So You need a Website .
  2. So You ou bought a domain from Google Domain , and a Hosting Service from – Blue Host Hosting Service   or say an  Enterprise Cloud Hosting with Domain Free from  TMD Hosting .                                                                                        
  3.  The next Step is to build a website . For which you chose WordPress and saw that the Default Theme will not suffice your requirement as you Need to build a Blog that needs to creative , have stunning pic and for that you need to buy a Theme.You can read the blog here – How To Decide Which WordPress Theme Should I use ? .
  4.  Once your Website is ready , you want Traffic .  You know that you have an excellent product , but the problem is you are a little late in the market . Even though you may have the best of Product there are tonnes of people who are there on the Web much before you and even if they dont have product , they have a stronger presence . So by the time you actually start appearing in the Google Organic Search it might be quite late and you might have lost your patience.                                                    
  5.  So the other option is you identify the Product that you have to offer , Identify the Word that identifies your Product and start paying Google to Direct Traffic to your website ,when ever people search for that particular AdWord on Google .                                                                                             
  6. And for this you need to pay Google . This is Google AdWords and how important it is , you can make out from the fact that , Google is Google all because of Google Ads i.e. a Major Portion of Google’s Revenue of 110 Billion Dollar in 2017 was from Google Ads .



Google Ad Sense : After all the above understanding . This is simple .


When your website starts performing good and have a decent traffic , you can apply for Google AdSense and once Approved , Google will start placing “Advertisement” on your website too . There is a piece of code snippet that you need to put on your website and then Google based on a large number of options ( like user search preference , your website content , your preference that you have set on your Google AdSense etc ) decides the kind of Advertisement that they should display on their website which will be most relevent . When an end user when visits your website, saw a Google Ad on your website , clicks on it , Google earns out of it and it also passes a part of that earning to your account . So once you earn minimum 100$ , the amount can be transferred to your Bank Account


Also  if you have Blogs related to Google or shared on your website , please reach out to me at , and share your details and i can add the link / Blog here

Google Analytics – Once you have your website set up and have traffic , you can connect Google Analytics to your website to see some interesting Analytics . In Microsoft Power BI , you can add Google Analytics as an App , and can come up with Customized Insights and some Stunning Visualization . During my Power BI Corporate Trainings especially for Digital Marketing people i make sure to cover , how to connect Microsoft Power BI to Google Analytics and come up with some customized Reports and Dashboard displaying what client wants and the way he wants.


Google Search Console – You can connect your websites as a property to Google Search Console  and can come to know about tonnes of facts regarding your website traffic, performance , broken links and how to make it more effective so that the Google Spider / Crawler is able to identlify the best on your websites and make sure that it is not hidden from the world .


Google G Suite  – Google GSuite is an excellent Prodcut offered by Google and I consult people in  How to Set Up Google G Suite and use it effectively for their Small and Medium scale organization . I would be more than happy to help you , if you bought Google G Suite and need any specific help in setting up the product . If you have not yet Bought a GSuite Account you can Explore the option here – Google G-Suite Link


Googe Drive , Sheets , Docs, Slides, Calendar – The best part of Google is that all its offering are in the cloud . So it guarantees a Seemless experience. You know whatever works on your Laptop will also work on your Android Mobile Device and also on your iPhone . This one feature and its error free performance makes Google Sheets , Docs , Slides stand apart . Also We can have all of them on Google Drive and present it to the clients , meeting , presentation on the move.


To Access G Suite go to G Suite Admin Console



Google Cloud Platform ( GCP ) –  Google Cloud Platform (GCP) presents a whole lot of capabilites and you can have your Virtual Machines and have your Database , Data Warehouse or even your Data Lake set up on it. I have set up a Multi Node Hortonworks Hadoop Cluster on GCP and loaded Big Volume of Data and use it extensively for my Data Visualization training using Tableau , Power BI , wherein I connect the Tool to the data on Hortonworks Cluster to make some stunning visualization. If you are looking for a corporate training on Big Data Analytics using tableau , power bi , you can reach out to my linked in profile. The Best part of GCP is it offers 300$ of free credit for 1 year , so even if you buy High Grade VM’s , you get sufficient time to get your hands dirty on it . On ther other hand other Big Player charges your for VM’s that does not come in their free tier.  To access GCP , Go to Google Cloud Console

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Reach out to us if you are looking for Corporate Training to Build The Next Generation Analytical Workforce with an in-depth understanding of  Exploratory Data Analysis , Data Visualization, Data Analytics , AI First , Machine Learning & Deep Learning Training & Consulting helping them to take Data Informed Decision at each stage of the business.

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