Git Commands |
Description |
Git branch “branch_name” |
Creates a Branch |
Git branch –D “branch_name” |
Deletes a branch |
Git checkout “branch_name” |
Switch to a branch |
Git branch –all |
Show all branches |
git checkout – |
Switch to previous branch |
Git add . |
Add files to the local index(staging area) |
Git commit –m “Commit message” |
Commit message and files |
git reset –hard master git reset –hard head^ git reset –hard head~25 |
Moves a branch from current position to master ^ caret basically means a back step ~25 tilde means 25 steps back |
Git restore –staged “file_name” Git restore “file_name” |
to unstage files from staged area Discard changes in working directory |
Git checkout — “file_name” |
Completely threw away any modifications |
Git stash |
record the current state of the working dir & want to switch to clean dir |
Git commit –am “add and commit message” |
Add to stage & commit message together |
Git checkout “target_branch” Git merge “source_branch” |
Merge source branch to target branch |
git checkout HEAD^ |
‘detached HEAD’ state |
git branch “branch_name” “commit_number” |
Create branch with detached state & new changes |
git log –oneline –graph –decorate –all |
Display history of all branches |
git cherry-pick edf6319 |
fixed a bug in a branch, and then apply the same fix on top of another branch |
git pull origin master = [ git fetch git status git merge origin master ] |
Git pull = git fetch + git merge |
git push -u origin “branch_name” |
Pushing a new branch to the remote |
git config –global alias.unstage ‘reset HEAD –‘ git unstage “File_Name” |
Aliasing |