Upgrade to Power BI Pro – Can Get an Additional Free Month

By Following the Below You learn how to Buy the Power BI Pro or get An additional 30 Days Free Trial for up to 25 users.

Below we will cover How to Upgrade to Microsoft Power BI Pro

When you login to – https://app.powerbi.com/ and you get the below error Message , it means you need to upgrade your account.


You can purchase and assign licenses in the below two ways:

  1. Purchase Licence from Microsoft 365 admin Centre
  2. Assign Licenses in the Azure Portal

Pre-Requisites to perform this operation:

  1. Must be a member of Global Administrator Or Billing Administrator role in Microsoft 365
  2. To Assign licenses in Azure portal , You must be owner of the Azure Subscription that Power BI uses .

If you are not one of the above , you will not be able to Upgrade your Account. You will need to contact your Administrator to upgrade your account.

Here we will just cover how to purchase license from Microsoft 365 Admin Center

To Purchase Licence from Microsoft 365 admin Center, Follow the below steps

  1. Go to – https://admin.microsoft.com/ 

  1. Go to Billing 🡪 Purchase Services 
  2. On the Right Screen Scroll Down to the End to 🡪 Other Categories that might interest you 🡪 Power BI 
  3. Click on Power BI 🡪 Click on the Power BI Pro 
  4. Once you do it, you can go on to the page where you can “Buy” the Power BI Pro Licence By Clicking the “Buy” Button . 
  1. If you have the “Get Free Trial” button available and you can get an additional 1 month Free for up to 25 Users . On Clicking Get Free Trial , you will get the confirmation on Receipt and you can go ahead and assign user
  2. After Buying or enabling a Free Trial , You need to assign the user who can use these licences  . For this go to “Products & Services” – Here you will be able to see the “Power BI Pro Trial” . Click on Assign Users and then Assign the user who wants to use . 
  3. Now after few minutes you should be able to login to app.powerbi.com and your error should be gone and you should be able to use your Pro Licence again